
From YoungHerculesWiki
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Young Hercules as played by Ryan Gosling.

Name Hercules
Actor Ian Bohen (TV:HtLJ, Movie:YH)
Ryan Gosling (TV:YH)
Kevin Sorbo (Adult Hercules - TV:HtLJ)
Species Half-human, half-god
Occupation Cadet
Episodes Young Hercules (Movie Pilot)
1.01 - Treasure of Zeus
1.02 - Between Friends
1.03 - What a Crockery
1.04 - Herc and Seek
1.05 - Girl Trouble
1.06 - Teacher's Pests
1.07 - Inn Trouble
1.08 - Keeping Up With the Jasons
1.09 - Amazon Grace
1.10 - Cyrano de Hercules
1.11 - Battle Lines I
1.12 - Battle Lines II
1.13 - Forgery
1.14 - No Way Out
1.15 - Ares on Trial
1.16 - Down and Out in Academy Hills
1.17 - Winner Take All
1.18 - A Serpent's Tooth
1.19 - The Lure of the Lyre
1.20 - Fame
1.21 - Lyre, Liar
1.22 - A Lady in Hades
1.23 - The Mysteries of Life
1.24 - Dad Always Liked Me Best
1.25 - Herc's Nemesis
1.26 - Cold Feet
1.27 - Mommy Dearests
1.28 - In Your Dreams
1.29 - Sisters
1.30 - Golden Bow
1.31 - Home for the Holidays
1.32 - Cram-Ped
1.33 - Con Ares
1.34 - Get Jason
1.35 - My Fair Lilith
1.36 - Hind Sight
1.37 - The Head That Wears The Crown
1.38 - Me, Myself, and Eye
1.39 - The Skeptic
1.40 - Iolaus Goes Stag
1.41 - Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
1.42 - The Prize
1.43 - The Beasts Beneath
1.44 - Parents' Day
1.45 - Life for a Life
1.46 - Under Siege
1.47 - Mila
1.48 - Apollo
1.49 - Ill Wind
1.50 - Valley of the Shadow
HtLJ - 4.03 - Regrets... I've Had a Few
HtLJ - 4.11 - Medea Culpa
HtLJ - 4.20 - Twilight
HtLJ - 4.21 - Top God
HtLJ - 5.17 - The Academy
YHFFS2.01 - The Enemy Within I
YHFFS2.02 - The Enemy Within II





Romantic Interests

Other Factoids

Herc's Plot Arcs

Herc's Obsession With Zeus
Zeus's Protection Order on Herc
Hercules is 'The Responsible One'

Television Tropes

Young Hercules as played by Ian Bohen.
Adult Hercules as played by Kevin Sorbo.

External Links