Jason and Hercules

From YoungHerculesWiki
  • First Meeting: Depends on the continuity.
  • Status: Friends
  • History: Here is where things get a bit confusing.

Unlike Hercules and Iolaus, Jason's backstory has been a bit muddled and changed over the course of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Young Hercules. In earlier seasons of HtLJ, Jason was considerably older than Hercules. He fought alongside Amphitryon, bringing word of his death to Alcmene, and was a favorite bedtime story of baby Hercules's. When season 4 of HtLJ brought us the flashback episodes that would later lead the way for YH to become its own series, the story changed again. Now Jason and Hercules were much closer in age and have been friends since childhood. In the Young Hercules (Movie Pilot), though, the story changes a third time. Here, Jason (age not specified, though Chris Conrad himself was in his late 20s at the time, so it could easily be assumed that Jason would have been about mid-20s) and Hercules (18 years old) only just meet for the first time at Cheiron's Academy.

Whichever the preferred continuity is, though, Hercules and Jason (and Iolaus) would eventually come to regard each other as brothers.