1.32 - Cram-Ped

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Title Cram-Ped
Episode # Season 1, Episode 32
First aired November 24, 1998
Directed by Chris Graves
Written by Hilary Bader
Summary Everybody helps Iolaus prepare for exams.

FoxKids Spoiler

  • Hercules and the gang help Iolaus study for a test that will determine whether or not he gets sent back to prison.

TV Guide Promo

  • When Herc and the gang learn that Iolaus will be sent back to prison unless he passes an upcoming test, they attempt to help him by pulling an all-nigh cramming session in order to help him pass.


Title card - End credits can be found here.

Final exams are tomorrow and everyone is studying. Iolaus decides to break into Fiducius' office and try to steal a copy of the exam. But all he finds in the safe is a scroll that is not the exam. He leaves, leaving the safe open.

Herc, suspecting, that Iolaus will try to steal the exam goes to Fiducius office. He finds the open safe and reads the scroll. The scroll states that if Iolaus does not get a passing grade his probation will be revoked and he'll go to jail.

Herc goes looking for Iolaus and finds him planting cheat sheets in the classroom.

Herc tricks Iolaus into studying and convinces everyone to help. Eveyone tries to teach Iolaus some tricks to remembering things. i.e.: Alphabetical, songs, Acronyms, etc...

Everyone gives up. Iolaus is just not getting it. When Iolaus seems to know a lot about Cirilia, Jason mentions that that is because Iolaus' father is fighting a war there.

The guys study a little longer, then retire.

Next day: Cheiron announces that the geography section, which is worth 50% of their mark will be on..... Cheiron pauses as Fiducius leans over and whispers something. The country that Cheiron picks, is Cirilia

Iolaus passes and gets Fiducuis as a tutor for three months. Herc goes to Fiducuis and asks if he told Cheiron to pick Cirilia. Fiducuis sort of admits it.

All returns to normal.

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