Official Young Hercules Vintage 35mm Slides
From YoungHerculesWiki
- Item seen for sale on: Ebay.
- Last seen for sale: October 2013, November 2013, December 2014.
- 20 slides sold for $82 including shipping, 20 slides = $4.10 per slide.
- 24 slides sold for $97 including shipping, 24 slides = $4.05 per slide.
- Other individual slides have sold for anywhere from $7-$21 including shipping.
- Item released: copyright 1998.
Slides from Young Hercules (Movie Pilot)
Slides from Promotional Photos
Slides from 1.01 - Treasure of Zeus
Slides from 1.02 - Between Friends
Slides from 1.03 - What a Crockery
Slides from 1.06 - Teacher's Pests
Slides from 1.08 - Keeping Up With the Jasons
Slides from 1.09 - Amazon Grace
Slides from 1.10 - Cyrano de Hercules
Slides from 1.12 - Battle Lines II
Slides from 1.13 - Forgery
Slides from 1.15 - Ares on Trial
Slides from 1.17 - Winner Take All
Slides from 1.18 - A Serpent's Tooth
Slides from 1.19 - The Lure of the Lyre
Slides from 1.20 - Fame
Slides from 1.21 - Lyre, Liar
Slides from 1.21 - Lyre, Liar
Slides from 1.22 - A Lady in Hades
Slides from 1.24 - Dad Always Liked Me Best