The Legend of Damon and Pythias

From YoungHerculesWiki
  • In Greek mythology, the legend of Damon and Pythias (or Phintias) symbolizes trust and loyalty in a true friendship.
  • According to legend, Damon and Pythias were friends who lived on Syracuse in the 4th century BC. When Pythias was sentenced to death, he was allowed to temporarily go free on the condition that Damon take his place in prison. Pythias returned just before Damon was to be executed in his place, and the king was so impressed with their loyalty to one another that he pardoned Pythias.

1.06 - Teacher's Pests

  • In this episode, Hercules, Iolaus, and Jason are all sentenced to detention. Hercules and Jason agree to cover for Iolaus, so that Iolaus can go work his shift at Kora's. Iolaus arrives back at the Academy at the very end of the episode, and Fiducius is so struck by their loyalty and friendship that he doesn't report them to Cheiron.
