Déjà Vu

From YoungHerculesWiki

Ever have that sensation like you feel like you've seen something before? Well, you probably have. Several props, locations, and other stock footage that was used in Young Hercules was originally used in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess. Here's a few things you may or may not have noticed:


Props: Items or objects that were held, used, or seen in the foreground/background. Includes weapons and scrolls. Also includes vehicles like chariots and carriages.

Fisheye Scroll

DejaSchool Records.png DejaDreamworld Scroll.png

Gold Cup with Silver Meander

1.27 - Mommy Dearests gold cup deja.png 1.35 - My Fair Lilith goldcup - deja.png

Gold cup - 6.05 - Hercules, Tramps & Theives.png Goblet 6e06 - City of The Dead.png

Telescope with Yellow Glass

Telescope Movie Pilot.png Telescope Xena 2.01.png Telescope Xena 3.10.png

Royal Carriage

  • used in "1.35 - My Fair Lilith"
  • used in H:TLJ "4.13 - Armageddon Now (Part 1)"
  • used in H:TLJ "4.18 - My Fair Cupcake"

Deja My Fair Lilith Carriage 01.png Deja My Fair Lilith Carriage 02.png Deja Carriage - 4.13 - Armageddon Now (Part 1).png Deja Carriage - 4.18 - My Fair Cupcake.png

Melon Head Training Columns

Deja Melon Head - YH movie pilot.png Deja Melon Head - 2.23 - Centaur Mentor Journey.png


Costumes: clothing and outfits worn by the characters. Also includes armor and jewelry.

Silver Chestplate

Chestplacematch01.png Armor1.33.png Chestplacematch02.png

White Fuzzy Robe

Polluxrobe.png Milarobe.png

Yellow Apron with Brown Trim

  • used in "1.07 - Inn Trouble", along with any other episode Kora's Inn was used - standard uniform for employees.
  • used in X:WP "5.20 - Livia"

1.07 - YH apron deja.png Xena - s05e20 deja apron.png


Locations: buildings and other outdoor locations. Includes lakes and boats.

Domed Entrance

  • used in "Young Hercules (Movie Pilot)" as the entrance to Cheiron's Academy
  • used in HtLJ "3.22 - Atlantis"
  • used in HtLJ "4.13 - Armageddon Now (Part 1)"
  • used in HtLJ "4.18 - My Fair Cupcake"
  • used in X:WP "2.22 - A Comedy of Eros"
  • used in X:WP "3.10 - The Quill is Mightier"
  • used in X:WP "3.17 - Forget Me Not"
  • used in X:WP "3.21 - Sacrifice (Part 1)"

Dome building - Young Hercules (Movie Pilot).png Deja - Domed Entrance - 3.22 - Atlantis.png Dome building - Hercules - s04e13 - Armageddon Now (Part 1).png Deja - Domed Entrance - 4.18 - My Fair Cupcake.png 2.22 deja building.png Dome building - Xena - s03e10 - The Quill is Mightier.jpg Xena - s03e17 - dome deja.png Xena - s03e21 - deja building.png

The Lake

Dejavuulake02.png Dejavuulake01.png X1.16 lake deja.png

Boat with Eyes

  • used in "Young Hercules (Movie Pilot)" as ship The Argo.
  • used in "1.05 - Girl Trouble" as Zared's Ship
  • Used in HtLJ "5.02 - Descent".
  • Used in HtLJ "5.06 - Norse by Norsevest".
  • used in X:WP "2.08 - Ten Little Warlords".
  • used in X:WP "2.12 - Destiny".
  • used in X:WP "3.16 - When in Rome".
  • used in X:WP "3.19 - Tsunami".
  • used in X:WP "6.09 - Return of the Valkyrie".

Argos.png Zareds Ship.png Deja boat eyes - 5.02 - Descent.png Deja ship eyes - 5.06 - Norse by Norsevest.png Ten Little Warlords Ship.png X 2.12 boat deja.png Xena - s03e16 boat.png Deja Boat with Eyes Xena 3.19.png Argo Boat Xena - s06e09 - Return of the Valkyrie.png

Building with Domed Roof

  • used in "1.11 - Battle Lines I" as the Qu'ho or Centaur council building
  • used in X:WP "1.07 - The Titans"
  • used in X:WP "2.02 - Remember Nothing"
  • used in X:WP "3.01 - The Furies"

Qu'ho from 1.11 Battle Lines I.png Cronos Temple - Xena - s01e07 - The Titans.png Fate's Temple - Xena - s02e02 - Remember Nothing.png X 3.01 deja dome.png

Pool Estate

Dejavupool02.png Dejavupool01.png

City With Bell Tower

  • used in "Young Hercules (Movie Pilot)".
  • used in X:WP "3.08 - The King of Assassins"
  • used in X:WP "4.10 - The Key to the Kingdom"
    • The interior of this city set can be seen in the pictures below:
  • used in "Young Hercules (Movie Pilot)"
  • used in HtLJ "2.20 - Protean Challenge"
  • used in HtLJ "2.21 - The Wedding of Alcmene" (with a backdrop of a larger city)
  • used in HtLJ "3.20 - War Bride"
  • used in HtLJ "3.21 - A Rock And A Hard Place"
  • used in HtLJ "4.10 - Hercules On Trial"
  • used in HtLJ "4.12 - Men In Pink" (with a backdrop of a larger city)
  • used in HtLJ "6.07 - A Wicked Good Time"
  • used in X:WP "1.18 - The Prodical"
  • used in X:WP "2.02 - Remember Nothing"
  • used in X:WP "2.16 - For Him the Bell Tolls"
  • used in X:WP "3.15 - King Con" (mirror image)

Deja city yh movie.png X 3.08 deja city overview.png Deja city Xena - s04e10.png

YH movie inside city deja.png Deja - Interior city - 2e20 - Protean Challenge.png Deja - Interior City - 2.21 - The Wedding of Alcmene.png Deja - City Interior - 3.20 - War Bride.png Deja - Interior City - 3.21 - A Rock And A Hard Place.png Deja City Interior - 4.10 - Hercules On Trial.png Deja - City Interior - 4.12 - Men In Pink.png Deja City Interior - 6.07 - A Wicked Good Time.png X 1.18 city deja.png Xena 2.02 inside city deja.png X 2.16 city deja.png X 315 city deja.png

Alcmene's Farm

Alcmene home pilot deja.png Xena home 2.02 deja.png

Castle With Interior Stairs

  • used in HtLJ "3.19 - The End Of The Beginning"
  • used in HtLJ "6.03 - Rebel With A Cause"
    • The interior stairs of this set can be seen in the pictures below:
  • used in "Young Hercules (Movie Pilot)".
  • used in HtLJ "2.15 - Heedless Hearts"
  • used in HtLJ "2.18 - Promises"
  • used in HtLJ "2.23 - Centaur Mentor Journey"
  • used in HtLJ "3.02 - Doomsday"
  • used in HtLJ "3.08 - Prince Hercules"
  • used in HtLJ "3.20 - War Bride"
  • used in HtLJ "4.15 - Yes, Virginia, There Is A Hercules"
  • used in X:WP "1.15 - Warrior... Princess".

Deja - Academy Exterior - 3.19 - The End Of The Beginning.png Deja - Academy exterior - 6.03 - Rebel With A Cause.png

YH pilot castle stairs.png Deja stairs 2.15 - Heedless Hearts.png Deja Castle Stairs - 2.18 - Promises.png Deja Castle stairs - 2.23 - Centaur Mentor Journey.png Deja - Interior Stairs - 3.02 - Doomsday.png Deja castle stairs - 3.08 - Prince Hercules.png Deja - Interior stairs - 3.20 - War Bride.png Deja Interior Stairs - 4.15 - Yes, Virginia, There Is A Hercules.png X 1.15 castle stairs.png

Cheiron's Academy

Deja - Academy Interior - 4.19 - War Wounds.png Deja - Academy Interior - 5.17 - The Academy.png

Stock Footage

Stock footage: the true Déjà Vu - footage that is used over and over again.

Kora's Inn: Three cadets exit

See also Kora's Inn Establishing Shots

DejaCadet Tapert 1.06 12.png Nemesis KI ex.png HindS KI ex.png

Sisters KI ex 02.png MME KI ex.png Zone KI ex.png

Kora's Inn: One cadet leaves, two enter

See also Kora's Inn Establishing Shots

DejaCadet Tapert 1.06 13.png DejaCadet Tapert 1.29 01.png

Kora's Inn: Man on Horse approaches

See also Kora's Inn Establishing Shots

Forgery KI ex.png Sisters KI ex 03.png

Blue Bird on Branch

Songbird in 1.10 Cyrano de Hercules.png Songbird - Hercules - s04e08 - ...And Fancy Free.png

Wolves in the Woods

Dejavuwolves01.png Dejavuwolves02.png

Monsters Tunneling Through Sand

Dejavusandshark02.png Dejavusandshark03.png Dejavusandshark01.png

Deer Hunting

YH 1.40 - deja deer hunting.png Xena - s06e06 - deja deer hunting.png

Sand Sharks

1.43 - The Beasts Beneath - sandshark 01.png 3.01 - Mercenary.png

1.43 - The Beasts Beneath - sandshark 02.png 3.01 - Mercenary2.png


Curious sights that don't really fall into the other categories.

Cheiron's Academy in the Background

    • seen in "1.33 - Con Ares", Cheiron's Academy can be seen in the distance not too far away from Timor's Uncle's Farm - it is uncertain whether this is intentional or not - probably not, as Discord's head is quick to block the view. Also it is hard to tell from this viewpoint, but the lake shown in the background is probably The Pond.
