
From YoungHerculesWiki

YH Wiki News

7/09/11 - Bryn again. Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, been pretty busy with RL, but this site is a passion of mine and I want to get it up and running before I'm thirty ^_~ After my long absence I came back to find that many pages had been tampered with and spam entries had been made. Working on clearing out all that garbage - if you see any junk that I missed, please let me know!

4/10/09 - Hey all, it's Bryn, Founder of the YH Wiki. Right now I'm still trying to get the basics up. I've got a working skeleton up of all the YH episodes, and I'm planning to flesh them out over the next few months, so stay tuned! Lend a hand if you want (we promise to give it back)! I've never designed a Wiki before, so I'm looking at Super-wiki to get the basic idea of formatting.