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Movie Summary

  • Everyone is chasing a little wooden dog. Old and young, they all think that it contains an elixir of life. Miranda, a manic cosmetics tycoon, thinks that it's worth millions. A mob of old folk led by a pair of deranged doctors is convinced that it contains the secret of eternal youth.
  • If a carved wooden dog with teeth like a shark followed you home, what would you do? Augusta thinks the statue might be just what she needs, but her ex-boyfriend Billy doesn't want to know. Augusta and her trusty bull terrier Cyclops take him on a surreal odyssey through the suburbs. The trouble is, Augusta has neglected to mention the other people with a desperate interest in the statue. Spying on elaborate sexual hi-jinks; shearing half a sheep; being kidnapped by club-wielding zombies; being threatened with an enormous hypodermic syringe - these are the kinds of things that always happen to Billy when he hangs around Augusta too long. When it comes to the showdown at the Balmoral Bowling Club, nothing goes according to plan. The dog makes sure that everyone gets what they were after - if not what they expected.

Alum Actors

Non-YH Alum Crossactors

  • None at this time.


Additional Pictures (YH Alum Actors)

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Additional Pictures (Non-YH Alum Actors)

  • None at this time. (Why not add some?)