Stars' Blue Move - Mum's going to see us naked! - Woman's Day (New Zealand) - 2001 (March 12)

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This article is from the New Zealand magazine Woman's Day, dated March 12, 2001, featuring Kevin Smith.

The high-res magazine scans are from Bryn.

Stars' Blue Move - Mum's going to see us naked!

Kevin and Danielle hope to feel more comfortable after an undress rehearsal

      Sexy screen stars Kevin Smith and Danielle Cormack admit that the prospect of being naked for this season’s theater ticket has sent a rush of anxiety through their early rehearsals for The Blue Room.

      While keen to play down the nudity as a selling the Auckland Theater Company's March production, the actors are flustered by the racy script that calls for them to bare all in 10 steamy trysts. When The Blue Room premiered in London last year with Nicole Kidman, one critic described it as "pure theatrical viagra".

      "My mum is coming to the opening night and I'm mortified," says Kevin. "I know she'll probably say, 'Oh, I've seen it all before', but hell, Mum that was like 36 years ago."

      Adds Danielle, "I have a basic fear of stage anyway, but I think it's absolutely frightening to have to get up there and take off your clothes as well. Hopefully by the time the rehearsals are over I will have exorcised those demons."

      Kevin admits that when he first read the script, bases on the risqué turn-of-the-century play La Ronde, he was hit by a sense of déjà vu. "I thought, 'Is there someone in New Zealand who hasn't seen my arse?'," he laughs.

      The father of three says that working with Danielle makes him more relaxed about the R16 scenes when the curtain rises on March 21. The long-time friends have already stripped away any awkwardness with steamy scenes together in the Kiwi movie Channelling Baby.

      Danielle admits her partner Hayden isn't complete comfortable with the prospect of her being naked on stage with one of New Zealand's most desirable men "But I think I'd be slightly miffed if he wasn't'," she says.

      Kevin says his wife Sue usually laughs when he tells her he has another love scene. "When she found out about the nudity in the play she said, 'Oh, you'll be wanting to go to the gym even more now you're having sex'."

      But Danielle says she's been too busy with the American promotion of her new film The Price of Milk to concentrate on any physical preparation for The Blue Room, which is directed by ex Shortland Street star Oliver Driver. "The temptation is there but I'm learning to resist it," she says.

Story: James Graham

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