Orpheus and Eurydice

From YoungHerculesWiki
Orpheus and Eurydice - "She owes him a lot".

      To Be Added

Current relationship status: Partners that couldn't keep dancing when the music stopped.

Moments in 1.19 - The Lure of the Lyre

Moments in 1.20 - Fame

Moments in 1.21 - Lyre, Liar


Eurydice: "My life's my own again, and I owe it all to Orpheus."

Hercules: "He's sure doing well for himself, huh?"
Eurydice: "Isn't it great? He's finally getting all the fame he deserves."

- (1.20 - Fame)
Orpheus: "Well, so much for glory... for music... for fame... and for Bacchus's lyre. Good riddance."

Eurydice: "You still have your music... and me."
Orpheus: "Yeah. Yeah. I guess I don't need Bacchus or the lyre to make it, huh?"
Eurydice: "Sometimes following your destiny involves great sacrifice."

- (1.20 - Fame)
Eurydice: "I was glad to leave that life behind. Not Orpheus. All he does is talk about the concerts and the crowds."

Hercules: "Oh. So, uh, does that make it hard for you to stay with him?"
Eurydice: "He helped me get away from Bacchus's cult. And he gave up his music career to stay with me. I owe him a lot."

- (1.21 - Lyre, Liar)