One of Us...

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      The following is an episode of the Young Hercules Fan Fiction Seasons, a non-profit virtual season project; written for fans by fans this is done to help keep the legacy of the short-lived television series Young Hercules alive on the Internet. The overall direction of the story that takes place in this virtual season may not be exactly what took place if an actual televised season had been produced.


Bacchus: "Hercules will join the ranks of the bacchae."
(A wolf sprints through a dreary forest)
(Hercules, Iolaus, and Jason run furiously)
Bacchus, to followers: "So now, bite them..."
(A female Bacchea scowls at Hercules)
Hercules, worried: "...Now you will pay with your life"
(Bacchus sadistically laughs; Hercules covers his ears)
(Bacchus throws Hercules across a room)
Bacchus: "The Bacchea Queen!"
(Someone's hands grabs Hercules by the shoulders)
Bacchus: "Ha Ha Ha!"
(Lightning and thunder storm above the Academy)



      The wolf ran swiftly, yet silently thorough the woods. It slowed at the sound of laughing. From its position behind a bush the silver beast watched the three young hunters as they walked out of the Academy doors.

      "I'm telling you Iolaus, fish don't eat grapes." Hercules said as the three friend made their way down the path away from their school.

      "And that my friend is why you never get to eat." Jason laughed clapping his friend on the back.

      "Well then, when you guys don't catch anything today, and I'm sitting there with my huge pile of fish, you can eat grapes instead of worms." Iolaus ran ahead.

      The trio walked on for awhile with their camping gear on their backs. They were oblivious to the fact they were being followed, and the stone grey eyes that watched their every move.

      "How much farther is this place Herc?" Iolaus whined.

      "Iolaus we just passed Corinth." Jason said amazed that the smaller cadet was complaining already.

      "Shhh, stop!" Hercules interrupted urgently. "Did you guys hear that?"

      "Yeah it's my spine cracking." Iolaus sat on a rock.

      "No, it sounds like someone is trouble" Hercules cocked an ear to the wind.

      "Is that a wolf?" Jason asked. A faint scream was heard a moment after.

      "Yeah, and that's a girl." Hercules said taking off in the direction of the sounds.

      "Girl?" Iolaus recovered from his fatigue quickly and was running right behind Hercules.

      Jason ran just behind Iolaus. The three heros came to a place in the woods where all the trees seemed to come together. The trees made a small cave of vines and roots. The cave was so well hidden the cadets nearly missed it until they heard another scream.

      "In there." Jason pointed toward the opening. The trio ran inside and what they saw made Hercules freeze.

      "Bacchae?" Iolaus asked.

      "Huh?" Jason was confused.

      "No, it can't be!" Hercules whispered.

Act One

"One of Us"

Guest Star
Laura Vasquez as Maena
Anthony Ray Parker as Bacchus

Based on "Young Hercules"
Created by Renaissance Pictures

Assistant Producers
Tern O'Brien and Jose Estreda

Co-Executive Producers
Medea and Euterpe

Executive Producer
Kent Simmons

Edited by Tracy Viader

Written by Aura

      Jason was the first to move. He ran toward the girl, who was backed against the wall. Her feet were held by vines.

      "Herc! Snap out of it!" Jason yelled as he tried to tear the vines away.

      "Sorry," Hercules recovered himself and ran to help the girl while Jason and Iolaus fought to keep the approaching, fanged women away.

      "Got her, come on lets go." Hercules yelled, grabbed the girls hand and pulled her out of the cave. Jason and Iolaus right behind them. Then the group of ten women on their heels. As soon as they exited the cave the four were faced with a huge wolf. The group stopped dead in their tracks. The four were surrounded by Bacchae.

      "Uh, What now Herc?" Iolaus whispered.

      "We fight." The blonde hero answered.

      "Sounds good to me." The girl ran at the wolf.

      "Wait!!" Jason screamed urgently. No one had taken into consideration having to fight off the huge wolf. But before the could stop her she tackled the wolf and they fell behind a huge root. The women advanced on the three heros.

      Hercules landed a solid kick to the abdomen of one woman sending her flying into two others. They landed hard on the ground. Iolaus had picked up a log and was swinging it at three of the women. It kept them at bay long enough for Jason to draw his sword and handle the others. The three heros were in a kind of stand off with the demons. Then the women turned into wolves.

      "Uh oh." Jason said looking to Hercules for help. Suddenly the wolves started howling as if in pain.

      "What's going on?" Iolaus asked.

      "Your guess is as good as mine." Hercules replied. three wolves all ran off and disappeared into the woods.

      The three cadets stood in shock for a moment but were brought back by the soft moaning from behind a tree. They ran to the sound and found the girl they had just rescued lying on the ground with a large cut across her arm and stomach. Hercules knelt beside her.

      "Are you okay?" He asked examining her wound.

      "I'll be.... fi......fine." she winced.

      "We need to get her somewhere to treat these wounds." Jason said trying to think where the nearest village was.

      "We'll have to do it here. We can't mover her far." Hercules said surveying the area.

      "There is a clearing over here." Iolaus yelled.

      "Good, Iolaus prepare the first aid medicine we brought. Jason help me pick her up gently, be careful not to move her too much or we'll rip the cut even more."

      Iolaus ran to find some leaves for a soft bed. Then he started a fire to boil the healing paste. Jason made a stretcher and he and Hercules eased the girl onto it and moved her slowly over to the bed Iolaus had prepared.

      The three heros sat around the fire as the girl slept. Hercules had wrapped her wounds and gave her something to help her sleep.

      "Where do you think she is from?" Iolaus asked as the three watched her sleep. Her long fiery red hair was curly and worn down to her waist.

      "She's not an Amazon." Hercules said studying her clothes. She wore the brightest color blue the three men had ever seen before.

      "She could be royalty." Jason said. "But I doubt it. Did you see the way she just dove at that wolf. No woman brought up in a royal family would be in the woods by herself, let alone attack a wild animal." he added.

      "I've never seen clothes like this before." Iolaus said touching the girls small tank top. "It's so soft. And her pants are so loose fitting. And the color..."

      "Yeah we get it. She's not from around here." Jason said trying to change the subject.

      "Well we'll get more information from her in the morning. Now we need sleep. We'll take shifts. Just in case they come back." Hercules said still a bit shaken by seeing Bacchae again. He thought he was through with Bacchus after the death of Eurydice. The thought of her still brought tears to his eyes. He had loved her, and just when she realized she felt the same she was killed trying to save him. But Bacchus had promised that when the hurting was over, he would be back. Hercules' blood was boiling to avenge Eurydice's death. Now he would have his chance.

      "Hello, Herc?" Iolaus waved a hand in front of his friends face.

      "What? Oh sorry what were you saying?" Hercules stammered.

      "Thinking about Eurydice?" Jason asked.

      "Yeah, but I'll be find. I'll take the first shift." He said standing up to find more firewood.

Act Two

      Iolaus and Jason were leaning on each other and Hercules was about to doze off to sleep when he heard a cough. He looked at the girl, she seemed to be awake. He walked silently over to her. She opened her eyes just as he was about to brush a bright red curl away from her face.

      "Oh, hello." He said startled for a moment.

      "Where am I?" The girl asked with a hint of pain in her voice.

      "I'm not exactly sure. A little past Corinth. I'm Hercules." The Demi-god said hoping to get some information.

      "I'm Maena." The girl smiled. Hercules realized, as if seeing her for the first time, hat she was very beautiful.

      "Maena." Hercules repeated.

      "So where are you three headed?" Maena asked.

      "Well as soon as daylight comes, back to Corinth to get you looked at." Hercules said sitting down beside her.

      "Oh you don't have to do that. I'll be fine. My village is nearby." She said.

      "So that's why you were out here alone?" Hercules asked.

      "I was heading for Cheiron's Academy." Maena said quietly.

      "Really? We are cadets there." Hercules motioned toward his two friends. "If you don't mind, why are you going to the Academy?" He asked.

      "Long story. And I...... ouch." Maena cringed and held her side.

      "Oh, here, you need to rest." Hercules handed her a cup. "Drink this it will help the pain." She drank it and laid down. Hercules sat and watched her sleep. He wondered how she had gotten trapped by those Bacchae. He'd have to ask her in the morning.

      "I'll take it now." Jason stood above Hercules.

      "Thanks. She woke up." Herc said. "I just gave her some more medicine."

      "Did you catch her name?" The king asked.

      "Maena." Hercules said.

      "Maena." Jason repeated.

      "Anyway, she says her village is near here." Hercules said.

      "I don't' know of any village." Jason said.

      "We'll talk more in the morning. I think it would be better for you and Iolaus to go to her village and get some help. She should move without getting her wounds stitched." Hercules said looking at the girl's side.

      "That's a good idea. You get some rest now." Jason rested a hand on his friends shoulder.

      "Thinking about Bacchus?" He asked.

      "Yeah, I thought it was all over. I thought..."

      "Listen, Hercules, you should know better than anyone, gods hold huge, meaningless grudges. Example one, Ares."

      "I know. I just wish...." Hercules didn't finish.

      "Get some rest. We'll figure out what to do in the morning."

      Hercules walked over and laid down with Iolaus.


      "Why does Herc always get the girl?" Iolaus mumbled as he and Jason wandered throughout the woods.

      "Lets see, he's handsome."

      "So am I."

      "He's funny."

      "Me too."

      "He's smart."

      "I'm...... well never mind, Anyway where is this village? We could have been to Corinth already." Iolaus complained.

      "I don't know. But she said it's around here." Jason said starting to get suspicious.

      "Wait lets ask him." Iolaus pointed to an old man walking in front of a donkey.

      "He must be from Maena's village." Jason added.

      "Excuse me sir." Jason said walking up behind the man. He spun around quickly and held a knife to Jason's throat.

      "Whoa Whoa Whoa, Calm down." Iolaus stepped up behind Jason.

      "Who are you?" The old man asked tightening his grip on the knife.

      "I am Iolaus." The short cadet said.

      "And I am Jason, King of Corinth." Jason said knowing the reaction that would come.

      "King Jason?" He pulled the knife away quickly. "I'm sorry. I had no idea. Why are you so far out here? This is a dangerous place you know."

      "Actually no. Dangerous? How so?" Jason asked.

      The Bacchae are all around here." The man said leaning toward the two cadets.

      "Then why are you here?" Iolaus asked.

      "This is the shortest way to my village. I have medical supplies that are greatly needed." The man said.

      "I think we have a member of your village. She is severely injured and needs a doctor." Jason said.

      "A member of my village?" The man asked. "What is her name?"

      "Maena. She said her village was near here." Jason said.

      "Maena?" The man looked frightened.

      "What?" Iolaus asked growing weary.

      "Where is she?" The man asked practicly yelling.

      "She is back at out camp with Hercules." Jason said.

      "He is in danger. We need to get back there as soon as possible." The man said taking some things from his pack. The three started back in the direction the boys had come.

Act Three

      "A son of Zeus? You are a mortal son of Zeus?" Maena and Hercules had been talking for most of the morning about Hercules' past. Every time Hercules asked about Maena she would very elegantly change the subject.

      "Well, what is taking those two so long?" Maena asked avoiding another one of Herc's questions.

      "I don't know. Maybe they stopped to eat. That sounds like something Iolaus would do."

      Hercules said looking into the woods trying to see anything. He thought he saw something then they heard a wolf.

      "Hercules, I don't' feel safe out here." Maena said.

      "Well there isn't' anywhere close we can go." Herc said

      "Yes, there is a cave right there." The girl pointed to a mass of vines covering a cave opening.

      "Are you sure it is safe?? That is where the Bacchae had you trapped remember?" Herc asked, concerned.

      "Yes, they saw me go in there. That's how they knew I was there."

      "Okay, we'll just stay at the mouth so we can hear Iolaus and Jason." Herc picked Maena up.

      "Wow, your eyes are beautiful. I'm not just saying that either. They are the color of a stone. What a strange color." Hercules said.

      "Well thanks." Maena said sarcastically.

      "That's not what I meant. They are wonderful. It's just an unusual color." Hercules heard another wolf. "We better get in the cave."

      "What is so bad about this Maena?" Iolaus asked, out of breath.

      "She is a follower of Bacchus. She is the Bacchae Queen no less. She has the most power besides Bacchus himself.' The old man said.

      "Oh no, we've been tricked Iolaus." Jason said.

      "I know, I never believed this old man from the beginning." Iolaus said, staring the man down.

      "No, Maena tricked us." Jason said as they reached the spot where Herc and Maena had been.

      "Herc!!" Jason yelled. There was no answer.

      "Hercules!!" Iolaus yelled even louder. Still nothing. The two heros looked to the old man for help. He was looking around.

      "There is a cave around here. Maybe she took him in there."

      Iolaus remembered right where the cave had been. "Over here! He yelled running in followed by Jason and the old man. As they ran in Iolaus almost tripped over Herc's limp body. The three stood looking at the Demi-god laying on the ground beside Maena.

Act Four

      Suddenly Hercules sat up. "Oh hey guys... Sorry I must have dozed off." Hercules said rubbing his head.

      "Oh, you're okay." Iolaus said.

      "Well, don't sound too disappointed Iolaus." Herc said.

      "It's just that...." Jason looked at he old man. "Who are you?" The king asked loudly.

      "I'm..." Suddenly vines wrapped around the mans arms.

      "Help!" he yelled. The three heros tried to run but realized they, too, were bound. Hercules looked toward Maena. She was standing, glaring at the four men.

      "Maena?" Hercules asked as the girl walked by him toward the old man. The three heros watched in horror as she took his hand.

      "How did I do?" She asked looking up into the man's eyes.

      "Marvelous!" The man said. There was a bright flash and Bacchus stood where the old man had been.

      "Now I have my pathetic, little half-brother for good." Bacchus' laugh was piercing.


      "How are we going to get out of this one?" Jason asked.

      "I'm thinking." Hercules whispered.

      "How can a girl like that end up mixed in with that jerk?" Iolaus nodded toward Bacchus.

      "What is that jerk anyway?" Jason asked.

      "Why, that's Herc's big brother, Bacchus, the god of wine and good times." Iolaus mocked.

      The three stood against a rocky wall, hands tied above them.

      "How are we going to get out of this one?" Jason asked again.

      "Will you be quiet. I'm thinking." Herc yelled, testing the strength of the vine.

      Maena walked toward them giggling. She stood in front of Hercules, smiled then looked back to Bacchus.

      "Lets do it now." She giggled again. Her stone grey eyes glittering.

      "Alright my Queen." Bacchus stood up and called his bacchae's attention.

      "Tonight is a very special night." He started. "I have vowed to destroy Hercules ever since my beloved Eurydice. Now the time has come." The Bacchae cheered. Hercules pulled one hand loose from the vines as Bacchus was talking.

      "But I have reconsidered my vow. I will not take my brother's life just to have him spend eternity in The Elysian Fields with my dear Eurydice. No, no, but tonight my bacchae. Hercules and his friends will join the ranks of the bacchae. So now, bite them before the sun sets."

      The bacchae cheered and advanced on the heros. Maena ran at Hercules, he used the vines that bound his hand to pull himself up. He landed a hard kick to Maena's stomach and sent her flying back. Jason and Iolaus took their cue, landing kicks to the women coming at them. They did as much as they could with the approaching crowd. There were so many and Hercules struggled to get his second hand free. As the crowd approached, Hercules kicked Jason's sword out of his belt and caught it with his one free hand and cut the other one free then as he fought off the bacchae he cut his friends free. The women came at them in two. Jason knocked his attackers out with the handle of his sword. More kept coming. Iolaus ran between two of the women coming at him and ran right into two more. They picked him up.

      Out of nowhere Maena lunged at Hercules again. She knocked him down and jumped on top of him and just as she was about to bite him he managed to position both of his feet under her and sent her flying. Another Bacchae grabbed Hercules from behind and was about to bite him, as was Iolaus' attacker. But before they could an ear piercing yell was heard.

      "Nooooo!" Bacchus yelled. The crowd of Bacchae parted to show Bacchus leaning over Maena's limp body. She was laying beside the Guilded Spring. Bacchus stood up and lunged at Hercules.

      He grabbed him around the neck. Throwing him up against the wall and holding him there.

      "You've killed my Queen. Now you will pay with your life." Bacchus threw Hercules against the wall across the room. Jason and Iolaus ran at Bacchus but where caught by his Bacchae. Bacchus slowly walked over to Hercules. Who was lying on the floor doubled over in pain. Bacchus turned Hercules' head toward himself.

      "You thought you would be able to get off like last time. I told you that I would get you next time. I try to give you a third chance by joining my bacchae and you kill yet another one of my queens."

      "You killed her, not me." Hercules said in a scratchy voice.

      "Silence!!" Bacchus yelled. "You and your friends will not live to see sunrise, Hercules." Bacchus walked toward the three heros being held by his Bacchae. As Bacchus approached Hercules threw the woman holding him over his shoulder and into Bacchus sending them both to the ground. Then he freed Jason and Iolaus with a quick blow to the back of the bacchae's neck, sending their limp bodies to the floor.

      Jason and Iolaus headed for the mouth of the cave, but Hercules stood waiting for Bacchus to come at him. Jason ran back to Herc.

      "We've got to get out of here!" He yelled.

      "No, we're going to finish this!" Herc yelled.

      "You'll get your chance Herc, but not now." Iolaus said grabbing Hercules arm. Jason did the same and pulled Herc out of the cave.

Act Five

      The three heros walked on in silence. Herc had his head down. He then spoke quietly. "I want to apologize for that back there." He said. "I just felt that by letting him go, she died all over again." A tear ran from his eye.

      "You did everything you could for her. Hurting Bacchus isn't going to help her any." Jason said clapping his friend on the shoulder.

      "I know but it would help me." Hercules laughed.

      "Do you remember our first adventure Hercules?" Jason asked.

      "Boy do I!! Yvenna.. Rrrowrr" Iolaus said pawing at the air.

      Jason slapped the smaller cadet on the arm.

      "What?" Iolaus yelled. "Ohhhh, sorry Herc, I..."

      "Anyway the point is. Cheiron told you, if you do anything for selfish reasons you'll fail." Jason said. "I think that applies to Bacchus too."

      "You're right. Besides I know Eurydice is happy. I just wasn't expecting to be hit with all those memories on this camping trip." Herc said smiling.

      "It's okay buddy. But last one back to the Academy is a hinds hind." Iolaus took off running. Jason and Herc glanced at each other before taking off after him.





Creative Team

Barb Soden
Kent Simmons
Maggie Z
Tern O'Brien

Edit and Proof Read
Tern O'Brien
Tracy Viader

Special Thanks To
Ed Naha
Mrinda Jez

Technical Assistance
Jose Estreda

Young Hercules and its characters are © by Renaissance Pictures, USA Network, and
Studios USA. This fan fiction story, and virtual season project, are nonprofit and we by no
means want or intend to infringe copyrights of the characters and the television series.

Visit us Online

Please do not repost any of this fan fiction episode without the
permission of the Author and Producers.

No blood was actually lost during the creation of this virtual episode

1999/2002 lWo Fan Fiction Productions