Mirror, Mirror

From YoungHerculesWiki

TV Show Summary

  • When Jo Tiegan is given an oval-shaped mirror, as a gift, by the elderly owner of an antique shop, she is amazed to see another girl's image in the mirror instead of her own reflection. It is also quite obvious that the other girl can see her just as clearly. Jo (from the 1990's) and 'the girl in the mirror', Louisa Iredale (from 1919), later accidently find that they can also travel to each other's times through the mirror - following upon which discovery a relentless sequence of events is set in motion.

Alum Actors

Non-YH Alum Crossactors

Episode List

Season 1:

  • 1.01 - Aired: September 30, 1995
  • 1.02 - Aired: September 30, 1995
  • 1.03 - Aired: October 7, 1995
  • 1.04 - Aired: October 7, 1995
  • 1.05 - Aired: October 14, 1995
  • 1.06 - Aired: October 14, 1995
  • 1.07 - Aired: October 21, 1995
  • 1.08 - Aired: October 28, 1995
  • 1.09 - Aired: October 28, 1995
  • 1.10 - Aired: November 4, 1995
  • 1.11 - Aired: November 11, 1995
  • 1.12 - Aired: November 11, 1995
  • 1.13 - Aired: December 2, 1995
  • 1.14 - Aired: December 2, 1995
  • 1.15 - Aired: December 9, 1995
  • 1.16 - Aired: December 9, 1995
  • 1.17 - Aired: December 16, 1995
  • 1.18 - Aired: December 16, 1995
  • 1.19 - Aired: December 23, 1995
  • 1.20 - Aired: December 23, 1995


Additional Pictures (YH Alum Actors)

  • None at this time. (Why not add some?)

Additional Pictures (Non-YH Alum Actors)

  • None at this time. (Why not add some?)