
From YoungHerculesWiki

TV Show Summary

  • 30 minute dramas based on Maori legend. Introduced by Temuera Morrison.

Alum Actors

Non-YH Alum Crossactors

Episode List

Season 1:

  • 1.01 - "The Blue Line: Kahurangi" - Aired: October 3, 2002
  • 1.02 - "The Enchanted Flute: Te Ngoro" - Aired: October 10, 2002
  • 1.03 - "Going To War: Te Mura O Te Ahi" - Aired: October 17, 2002
  • 1.04 - "The Sisters: Nga Tuahine" - Aired: October 24, 2002
  • 1.05 - "The Rocks: Nga Kohatu" - Aired: October 31, 2002

Season 2:

  • 2.01 - "The Fishing Trip: Te Hi Ika" - Aired: November 7, 2002
  • 2.02 - "The Lost Tribe: Nga Iwi Ngaro" - Aired: November 14, 2002
  • 2.03 - "Divine Intervention: Ahu Mai Hohonu" - Aired: November 21, 2002
  • 2.04 - "The Final Plume: Te Raukura" - Aired: November 28, 2002
  • 2.05 - "The Pathway Of The Spirit: Te Ara-Wairua" - Aired: 12/5, 2002
  • 2.06 - "The Sands Of Time: Te One Tahua" - Aired: December 12, 2002
  • 2.07 - "The Heirloom: Te Kura Paraoa" - Aired: December 19, 2002
  • 2.08 - "The Godchild: Tipua" - Aired: December 19, 2002

Season 3:

  • 3.01 - "The Wild Ones: Uru Takariri" - Aired: February 2, 2005
  • 3.02 - "The Tree: Te Rakau" - Aired: February 9, 2005
  • 3.03 - "Tears: Taneiwai" - Aired: February 16, 2005
  • 3.04 - "The Chosen Ones: Urutapu" - Aired: February 23, 2005
  • 3.05 - "The Photo: Te Whakaahua" - Aired: March 2, 2005
  • 3.06 - "Revelation: Whakakitenga" - Aired: March 9, 2005
  • 3.07 - "The Prisoner: Mauhere" - Aired: March 16, 2005


Additional Pictures (YH Alum Actors)

  • None at this time. (Why not add some?)

Additional Pictures (Non-YH Alum Actors)

  • None at this time. (Why not add some?)