La Face Cachee De Ryan Gosling - Elle Quebec - 2011 (September)

From YoungHerculesWiki

This article is from the magazine Elle Quēbec, dated September 2011, featuring Ryan Gosling.

The high-res magazine scans are from Bryn. English translation from Google Translate is below.

La Face Cachēe De Ryan Gosling

Ah, ce regard penetrant! Oh, cette sensibilité touchante! Ah, ce sourire enjôleur! C’est Gosling le Magnifique. Mais derrière ce donjuan qui s’ignore, il y a plus. Bien plus.
Texte: Vēronique Alarie

Dark of Ryan Gosling

Ah, that penetrating gaze! Oh, this touching sensitivity! Ah, that flirtatious smile! This is the Magnificent Gosling. But behind this donjuan who do not know, there is more. More.
Text: Véronique Alarie