Kevin's family heartache - New Zealand New Idea - 1999 (November 13)

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This article is from the magazine New Zealand New Idea, dated November 13, 1999, featuring Kevin Smith.

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Kevin's family heartache

      Kiwi film star Kevin Smith is a true family man. That's why the hunky actor struggles when he has to spend long stretches away from home. But Kevin's latest film, Channelling Baby, changed all that. The tiny baby in the film helped Kevin cope with being away from his own little clan. 'Having a baby in the film helped a lot because I'd kiss my son Willard goodbye in the morning and the next thing I was on the set with another baby. It made it easier because it meant I wasn't pining for my own kids as much.

      'Sometimes when I'm leaving to go away I have to stop the boys bawling - it's one of the hardest things,' says Kevin, who understands exactly what it's like to have a dad who can't always be there. His own father was in the Navy and was away a lot of the time.

      'I missed my first two sons walking and it was their first season of rugby this year and I missed half of it because I was away working. That bums me in ways I can't even tell you. My wife Suzy's really good - she says, "It's what you do. It's how we live." But I try if I can to fit my work around my family,' explains handsome Kevin.

      Whenever he gets time off, the hands-on dad spends his time hanging out with his active boys Oscar, 8, Tyrone, 6, and Willard, 2. 'The nice thing is every now and again I get a week off and I stay at home with them the whole time and when I'm working nights I have the days with them.'

      The talented actor describes Channelling Baby (which opens on November 18) as a love story and mystery thriller. 'It is a very emotional piece. Everyone involved in it has made such a strong commitment to it even after it's finished,' he says.

      Kevin describes his character, Geoff, as a 'good guy whom bad stuff happens to.'

      The role is something new for Kevin, who began his career as a stand-up comedian before achieving worldwide recognition on TV in Xena and Hercules.

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