Cancerman: The Milan Brych Affair

From YoungHerculesWiki
Cancerman cover.png

TV Movie Summary

  • New Zealand has had its fair share of medical botch-up stories, but this TV ONE special may be the mother of all Kiwi medical scandals. It happened at Auckland Hospital in the 1970’s. A Czech immigrant doctor named Milan Brych (Paolo Rotundo) was a suave and compelling man who managed to fool everyone into believing that he was one of the world’s premier cancer specialists. He was both adored and vilified. When the truth about his past came out, his patients refused to believe it. He even had supporters on the medical board who attempted to reinstate him. The battle to prove Brych was a phoney was championed by one ferreting Kiwi doctor, Professor John Scott (Aaron Jeffreys), who undertook an international quest to uncover what would turn out to be one of the world’s most intriguing medical cons. Part documentary, part drama, Cancerman: The Milan Brych Affair goes behind-the-scenes to tell the untold story of New Zealand’s greatest hoaxer and the desperate people who believed his lies.

Alum Actors

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