Ares's Desire To Kill Hercules

From YoungHerculesWiki

Ares carries an epic, burning hatred of Hercules, so much so that it is only Zeus's Protection Order on Herc that keeps him in check.

1.01 - Treasure of Zeus

Ares: If you were any good at being bad, you'd dare what no god has dared before: destroy a mortal son of Zeus.

Strife: Ah-ha! You mean Hercules.

Ares: (attacks the floating armor with a renewed vengeance) My half-brother! Alcmene's brat! The apple of my father's all-seeing eye! Hera wants him gone, and so do I.

1.03 - What a Crockery

Ares: What? Am I missing something here?

Hera: Zeus made a promise to me when he made us that chalice. Anyone who takes it from its rightful place-- is condemned to death.

Ares: Then by Zeus's own words-- his protection of Hercules is off. Well, well, well. Finally, little brother is on his own, and he is all-- mine. Thank you, Mother. Thank you for the chance to destroy Hercules.
Hercules: What do you want?! If you're here for the chalice, just take it and leave us alone!
Ares: What I want is to see you suffer. When you grabbed Hera's chalice, you lost Daddy's protection, and now, I can destroy you. And I want your mother to watch.
Ares: I was the favorite! Number one. Me. Ares. Son of Zeus. God of War.

Hercules: Well-- must be so rough for you.

Ares: Supplanted by a half-mortal. I could have destroyed you long ago, if not for Zeus's special protection!
(Jason and Iolaus return the Chalice, and Zeus takes away Ares's huge lightning ball)

Ares: "Nooooooooooooo! Noooooo! Why protect him again, Father?! I was so close! What about me?! I have needs! (to Hercules) This isn't over, Brother. I'll be back.

Hercules: Yeah? I'm countin' on it.

1.15 - Ares on Trial

Ares: I didn't... I did not try to kill you, okay? I mean, I'd love to, right here, right now... but I'm no fool. You're under Zeus's protection, and I do not intend to spend the rest of eternity in Tartarus being gnawed on by some idiotic monster. You got that, mister?
Hercules: At any point in your day, did you hear Ares, you know, sort of talk about... trying to... kill me?

Discord: Sure! He talks about it constantly. It's his favorite topic.
Ares: (growls)
Discord: Well, you know it's true!
Ares: (shrugs in grudging admission) Eh.
Hercules: Oh! So, what you're trying to say is that it's not unusual to, um... to, uh, hear Ares talk about trying to kill me?

Discord: Not at all!