Alexander Graham Bell: The Sound and the Silence
From YoungHerculesWiki
TV Movie Summary
- None at this time. (Why not add one?)
Alum Actors
- Alistair Browning plays Dr. Clarence Blake
- Jeffrey Thomas plays Gardiner Hubbard
- John Bach plays Alexander Graham Bell
- Yvonne Lawley plays Sarah Fuller
Non-YH Alum Crossactors
- Ken Blackburn plays Elisha Gray
- Timothy Raby plays Melville Bell
Watch the Trailer
<mediaplayer width='706' height='480'> Sound And The Silence Trailer 1993.mp4</mediaplayer>
Additional Pictures (YH Alum Actors)
- None at this time. (Why not add some?)
Additional Pictures (Non-YH Alum Actors)
- None at this time. (Why not add some?)