
From YoungHerculesWiki

Movie Summary

  • Released:
    • October 1992 (Italy - MIFED)
    • May 7, 1993 (New Zealand)
    • September 15, 1993 (Canada - Toronto International Film Festival)
    • June 25, 1996 (USA - video premiere)
  • Rated: G - General Audiences
  • Runtime: 90 min, USA: 93 min
  • Headstrong New Zealand teen Alex Archer trains to qualify for the 1960 Rome Olympics in the women's 100 freestyle. Unlike the other top swimmers who train only for swimming, Alex takes piano and ballet lessons to go with a full school workload. To make the Olympics, her ultimate dream, she must not only overcome a formidable foe, but also the death of her boyfriend.
  • Alex Archer is a 15-year-old Kiwi who has her heart set on winning gold in the 100m freestyle at the 1960 Rome Olympics. Unlike today's professionally-trained swimmers, Alex is expected to not only train, but keep up with her schoolwork, piano lessons and ballet classes. Her training conditions are primitive, and it doesn't help her that Alex's family are battlers who fail to share her dream. And Alex has a worse problem to face - the death of her boyfriend. Will Alex achieve her dream?

Alum Actors

Non-YH Alum Crossactors


Additional Pictures (YH Alum Actors)

Alison Bruce as Female Journalist.

Elizabeth Hawthorne as Mrs. Benton.

Mark Wright as Male Commentator.

Additional Pictures (Non-YH Alum Actors)

  • None at this time. (Why not add some?)