From YoungHerculesWiki

Cheiron's Nicknames

The Battle Master - by Hercules, in Young Hercules (Novelization)
That Four-Footed Know-It-All by Iolaus, in Young Hercules (Novelization)

Hercules's Nicknames

Alcmene's Brat - by Ares, in 1.01 Treasure of Zeus
The Apple Of My Father's All-Seeing Eye - by Ares, in 1.01 Treasure of Zeus
You Two Archdukes - by Kora, in 1.01 Treasure of Zeus
You Jerks - by Jason, in 1.01 Treasure of Zeus
Chip Off The Old Zeus - by Strife, in 1.02 Between Friends
Zeus's Big Bouncing Baby Boy - by Strife, in 1.02 Between Friends
Father's Half-Mortal Mistake - by Ares, in Young Hercules (Novelization)
The Little Runt - by Ares, in Young Hercules (Novelization)
Goody-Two-Shoes Hercules - by Iolaus, in Young Hercules (Novelization)
Grossly Inept Stable Boys - by Yvenna, in Young Hercules (Novelization)
Manure Handlers - by Yvenna, in Young Hercules (Novelization)
Godling - by Kostas, in Young Hercules: Cheiron's Warriors
Twerp-ules - by Strife, in Young Hercules: Cheiron's Warriors

Iolaus's Nicknames

You Two Archdukes - by Kora, in 1.01 Treasure of Zeus
Curly - by Kora, in 1.01 Treasure of Zeus
You Jerks - by Jason, in 1.01 Treasure of Zeus
Young Thief - in Young Hercules (Novelization)
Training Partner - by Hercules, in Young Hercules (Novelization)
A Jackass - by Hercules, in Young Hercules (Novelization)
Grossly Inept Stable Boys - by Yvenna, in Young Hercules (Novelization)
Manure Handlers - by Yvenna, in Young Hercules (Novelization)
Thief - by Kostas, in Young Hercules: Cheiron's Warriors

Jason's Nicknames

Kora's Nicknames

Kora's Inn's Nicknames

Last Decent Meal Before Cheiron And His Academy Food - by Hercules, in 1.01 Treasure of Zeus
The Eatery Where The Cadets Usually Hung Out During Off-Hours - in Young Hercules: Cheiron's Warriors

Strife's Nicknames

The God of War's Nephew - by Strife, in 1.01 Treasure of Zeus
The New Top Student - by Strife, in 1.01 Treasure of Zeus

Zeus's Chalice's Nicknames

An Ugly Old Cup She Probably Never Even Used - by Strife, in 1.01 Treasure of Zeus
This Dumb Cup - by Iolaus, in 1.01 Treasure of Zeus