Hercules is 'The Responsible One'

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Hercules is often "The Responsible One" when Jason and/or Iolaus are goofing off. He tries to stay responsible, but often the taunting of his friends is enough to tempt him to goof off as well - often with consequences.

1.03 What a Crockery

      Hercules is on a mission to deliver Zeus's Chalice to Zeus's temple, but Iolaus and Jason talk him into a game of Melonball that distracts them long enough for Strife to steal the chalice.

Iolaus: Guys, you know what I'm thinking?

Iolaus and Jason: MELONBALL! Yeah!
Hercules: No, no, no no! We've got to get the chalice to the temple, all right?
Iolaus: What, you can't handle us?
Jason: I thought you were Mighty Hercules, Conqueror of the Gods!

Hercules: Okay, all right. I guess if we get the chalice to Zeus's temple this week, I'll have time to teach you two a lesson.

Young Hercules: Cheiron's Warriors

      Hercules, Iolaus, and Jason are walking from the Academy to the docks to meet with Cheiron, who is returning from a trip. On the way, Iolaus and Jason start play-fighting with sticks, but Hercules refuses to participate. The delay still causes the cadets to arrive late to the docks, where they find out that Cheiron has been kidnapped - a crime that they could have stopped had they arrived on time.

      Under other circumstances, Hercules might have joined the fun. "Come on, guys," he said. "We're going to be late meeting Cheiron. Quit horsing around."
      Right now it didn't look as if anything would break Iolaus and Jason apart. They were rolling around like wheels on a wagon, neither one gaining the upper hand for more than half a second.
      "Guys, come on, we're going to be late! And if we're late, Cheiron's going to give us That Look."