Fox Kids Magazine - 1998 (Winter)

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Revision as of 00:42, 17 August 2011 by Admin (talk | contribs)

These are scans of the YH-centric pages from the Winter 1998 issue of Fox Kids Magazine.

Front cover of the magazine. View a high-res version of the scan here.

Advertisement for the Fox Kids TV Takeover. The white space in the corner used to be a voting form before I filled it out and mailed it in as a kid ^_~ View a high-res version of the scan here. Interesting note: This picture of Hercules has probably been reversed, as Hercules always wore the bracer around his left upper arm, never his right.

The Young Hercules article. View a high-res version of the scan here.

Back cover of the magazine. View a high-res version of the scan here. Pictures are as follows, starting in the upper left corner and going clockwise: Iolaus, Hercules, and Jason; Phoenix; Discord and Strife; Ares; Bacchus; Cheiron; Lilith, Hercules, Iolaus, and Jason; Charon; Lilith.