Academy Classroom

From YoungHerculesWiki
Academy Classroom from 1.32 - Cram-Ped.

Seen in: 1.32 - Cram-Ped

Located inside Cheiron's Academy.

The Academy isn't just for learning how to wield a sword. There are numerous classes, taught by Fiducius and Cheiron. They include both the standards like mathematics, history, and geography, and a few less traditional things like monster recognition, first aid, and foreign languages.

Battle Science

Gregor: "Jason, we need someone strong in Battle Science for out study group. You in?"


Jason: "I can't. But, uh, Hercules is good in Calculation and Lilith is a phenom in Star Navigation, so ask them."


Hercules: "Ddid you sleep through ethics class?"
Iolaus: "I tried."

First Aid

Lilith: "Come on, Hercules! Tell me the truth! You took first aid!"

Language Class

Iolaus: "Mmm- what's a kindrah?"
Jason: "It's Centaur for 'Clan'. Don't you pay attention in language class?"

Monster Recognition Class

      "Baby ghidras," Iolaus muttered.

      Hercules rolled his eyes. "Those are not baby ghidras. Those are baby sea serpents."
      "Oh, come on, Herc. Those don't look anything like sea serpents."

      "Look, I know I paid attention in Cheiron's monster recognition class. And I know you were busy carving Kora's name into your desk."

Scouting Class

Hercules: "You sleep though scouting class? That marker means 'No Trespassing'."

Star Navigation

Jason: "I can't. But, uh, Hercules is good in Calculation and Lilith is a phenom in Star Navigation, so ask them."

Weapons Training