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  • Theseus is one of the newer cadet at Cheiron's Academy. Initially boastful and cocky, he proclaims that he would be better as an instructor, to which Cheiron agrees. As a drill instructor, he's harsh and unashamed to push the cadets to their limits.

When Hercules, annoyed by Theseus' boasting, challenges him to a chariot race to the Forbidden Zone and back, the challenge is readily accepted. Both of them manage to wreck their chariots, stranding them right in the heart of the Forbidden Zone and, when the Ogre that lives under the sand pulls Hercules under, Theseus panics. After Theseus and Iolaus also get captured, he reveals that every amazing and awesome story he's told about himself has been a lie. In truth, he was a deserter and, as a result, is now a wanted man in his homeland. Despite his fear and his insecurity, though, he manages to tackle the ogre and wrestle it to the ground, providing enough distraction for Hercules and Iolaus to run.

As they return to the Academy and are confronted by Cheiron, Theseus takes the blame for the broken chariots, admits that he lied about his credentials (something that Cheiron secretly already knew), and asks for a chance to start over properly as a cadet.(1.41 - Adventures in the Forbidden Zone)



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