Cadet Argyros

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Revision as of 00:19, 25 March 2014 by Bryn (talk | contribs)

(YHWiki Editor's Note: This character was not listed in the credits. He has been named "Cadet Argyros" by the YHWiki Editors to make things a little more interesting, and as an ode to his clothes since "Argyros" means "Silver" in Greek.)

1.04 - Herc and Seek

  • Argyros is seen sitting at a bar stool in Kora's Inn.
  • He then walks around in the background twice.

  • A little while later, he is hanging out with other cadets in the courtyard of Cheiron's Academy, waiting to go back to Kora's Inn. He goes with the guys on ahead to Kora's when Lilith sends them off.
  • When Jason returns with back with reinforcements, Argyros is among their number.

1.07 - Inn Trouble

  • Argyros shares drinks and some laughs with Lilith while the band takes a break.