Remember that time when...

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This is a page for events that are mentioned or reminised about, but never seen by the fan of the series.

1.01 Treasure of Zeus

Iolaus: Whoa. Hold it. Time out. You're gonna snag a chalice that belongs to Zeus? Is this one of those father-son things?
Hercules: No. Listen, it's not like that this time. I'm not takin' it from Zeus... I'm takin' it back to him.

It seems like the above quote implies that there was a time Hercules took something from Zeus. Now, it might be a reference to that time with Zeus's Urn, but Hercules didn't take that from Zeus either - he took it from Ares.

Iolaus: Remember that time when they served us beans in the dining hall for a whole week straight?
Jason: We had a blast!