Academy Dining Hall

Seen in: 1.05 - Girl Trouble
Located inside Cheiron's Academy.
The Academy's mess hall is where the cadets have breakfast and lunch during the school week. The food is free, but not very well-liked especially compared to the fancy fare at Kora's Inn.
Cafeteria Cuisine
Food served at Cheiron's Academy:
- Beans - 1.01 - Treasure of Zeus
- Oats. Lots and lots of oats. - 1.05 - Girl Trouble, 1.13 - Forgery
- Water. Available in the gymnasium. - 1.13 - Forgery
- Lamb - 1.34 - Get Jason
- Barley Stew - 1.44 - Parents' Day
- Barley on Toast - 1.44 - Parents' Day
- Barley with a side of Barley - 1.44 - Parents' Day
Food Reviews
- 1.01 - Treasure of Zeus
Hercules: Your guess is as good as mine.
Jason: That's it. I'm not eating. I'm going on a hunger strike.
Jason [sarcastic]: Hey, man? You're not criticizing the academy's fine menu, are you?
Jason: It's a centaur thing.
- 1.19 - Lure of the Lyre
Hercules: Sure. Can he cook?
Fiducius: It never mattered before.
Lilith: No, but wait, if the cook is so good--
Hercules: --what's he doing in the Academy?
Alcmene: Perhaps I could show him a thing or two?
Hercules: You are the best mom. Thank you. He's right over there.
Alcmene: Over here?
Hercules: Over there. You can't miss him, okay? He's angry about his life and he's rolling around in barley.
- Young Hercules: Cheiron's Warriors