Television Tropes and Idioms: Difference between revisions

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** Ares decides that Hercules's weakest point is his "pathetic mortal feelings", and sends Strife to attack Hercules through his best friend, Iolaus. In the end, it is Iolaus shouting Herc's name during Hercules and Strife's final showdown that distracts Strife long enough for Hercules to win the fight. - (''[[1.02 - Between Friends]]'')
** Ares decides that Hercules's weakest point is his "pathetic mortal feelings", and sends Strife to attack Hercules through his best friend, Iolaus. In the end, it is Iolaus shouting Herc's name during Hercules and Strife's final showdown that distracts Strife long enough for Hercules to win the fight. - (''[[1.02 - Between Friends]]'')
{{TriviaQuote |Text=
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'''Ares:''' "We'll soften him up where's he's weakest: his pathetic mortal feelings."}}
'''Ares:''' "We'll soften him up where he's weakest: his pathetic mortal feelings."}}

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Revision as of 22:08, 28 July 2012

Merriam-Webster gives a definition of "trope" as a "figure of speech." In storytelling, a trope is just that — a conceptual figure of speech, a storytelling shorthand for a concept that the audience will recognize and understand instantly.

Above all, a trope is a convention. It can be a plot trick, a setup, a narrative structure, a character type, a linguistic idiom... you know it when you see it. Tropes are not inherently disruptive to a story; however, when the trope itself becomes intrusive, distracting the viewer rather than serving as shorthand, it has become a cliché.
- Television Tropes and Idioms

Split Personality Makeover

  • When dealing with a character that has a Split Personality, there will frequently be a striking visual difference depending on who is "in control." It's not a literal transformation, like the original Jekyll and Hyde; it's still recognizably the same person, but the differences will be visible. This may include anything from subtle stylistic changes (the character's design becomes more hard and angular when an evil or aggressive personality is in control, but softer and more rounded when a kind and good personality is in control) to more physical things like changes in hairstyle and black bags under the eyes. A significant vocal shift is common as well. Some of these changes are perfectly possible to do without physically altering the person's body, like the personalities having hair that's styled differently (or one of them not styling it at all and another styling it neatly) but the same length, or changes in body language and posture, or talking differently without completely changing voice actors, but others are firmly in the realm of Artistic License. These changes may or may not be noticed in-universe; if they are, expect them to treat the change as something intangible. They'll comment "he's like someone completely different now!" or "that's not the person I know!" rather than "hey, when did you get your hair cut?" or "did your voice just drop two octaves?" - Split Personality Makeover
    • Hercules asks Fire From The Heart Of The Earth to change his heart so that he devours life, like Zeus. While under the influence of the fire, Hercules is drastically changed: his body language is smoother, he flirts with every female in sight, the way he speaks has a bit of a slur/twang to it, and he loses his sense of responsibility. It is only when Iolaus's life is in danger that his love for his friends is strong enough to break the hold that the fire has on him. - (1.13 - Forgery)
Kora: "What's the matter with you?! It's like you're somebody else!"
Hercules: "Maybe I just decided to be someone else."
Iolaus: "You're not yourself anymore, Herc."

Temporary Blindness

  • The hero(ine) of an action/adventure series is blinded at the beginning of the episode. The character is told that the damage will heal, provided he does not do any action/adventure heroic things for the next hour. Since the viewer did not tune in to watch the hero convalesce, the plot goes on. A supporting character helps the hero get used to his condition. Often, the blinded character's other senses will become much more acute. Unfortunately, the villain of the story sometimes discovers the hero's condition and instantly realizes he now has an overwhelming advantage. However, the hero still wins because the villain usually underestimates how well he has adjusted to his situation — in some cases, the temporary disability may actually give the hero a useful advantage. - Temporary Blindness
    • Lilith is injured and loses her sense of sight just long enough for her to learn an important lesson about fighting with her other senses. The villains realize that she's blind and several attack her at once, but she is able to hold her own in a fight by listening to the noises they make while circling her so that she knows when to attack. By the end of the episode she miraculously regains her sight. - (1.08 - Keeping Up With the Jasons}
Cheiron: "You all fought with skill and loyalty and honor, but Lilith discovered that a warrior's strength comes from within."

Lilith: "I did? Well, how?"

Cheiron: "When you saw without your eyes."

The Other Darrin

The Power of Friendship

  • The villain or Ineffectual Loner mocks the idea of relying on others, insisting that friends make you weak and only fear brings servitude. Then he discovers to his extreme shock and dismay that the hero's friends really do stand up for him, and this really does enable the hero to kick the crap out of the bad guy. The Aesop: Having friends makes you strong, being alone makes you weak. - The Power of Friendship
    • Ares decides that Hercules's weakest point is his "pathetic mortal feelings", and sends Strife to attack Hercules through his best friend, Iolaus. In the end, it is Iolaus shouting Herc's name during Hercules and Strife's final showdown that distracts Strife long enough for Hercules to win the fight. - (1.02 - Between Friends)
Ares: "We'll soften him up where he's weakest: his pathetic mortal feelings."


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- galatea

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Training Montage

- movie 
- con ares

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Makeover Montage

- my fair lilith

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Jaw Drop She Cleans Up Nicely Unnecessary Makeover

- Lilith
- ness and unness

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•The Smurfette Principle: In the pilot movie, Yvenna. In the series proper, Lilth and Kora

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Princess for a Day

- Lilith

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Limited Wardrobe - every character

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Moment Killer

- Iolaus, every time herc/Cyane kiss
- Lilith&Herc, for Jason/Pelia

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- Lilith

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And Now You Must Marry Me baccus & Euridice

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Ridiculously Cute Critter

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Pet Monstrosity

- adult Ruff

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I Didn't Tell You Because You'd Be Unhappy Herc/Cyane - Zeus

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Clear Their Name Iolaus - between friends

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Clip Show

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Duels Decide Everything Jason-Pollux

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Emergency Impersonation Teacher's Pests

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